Is a process that one undertakes voluntarily to prove competency in a set of skills.

Is a process that one undertakes voluntarily to prove competency in a set of skills.

Ethics in Information Technology

By: George W. Reynolds

Chapter 2: Ethics for IT Workers and IT Users

Self-Assessment Questions

The answers to the Self-Assessment Questions can be found in Appendix.

1. A professional is someone who:

a. requires advanced training and experience

b. must exercise discretion and judgment in the course of his or her work

c. does work that cannot be standardized

d. all of the above

2. Although end users often get the blame when it comes to using illegal copies of

commercial software, software piracy in a corporate setting is sometimes directly

traceable to members of the ________ organization.

3. The mission of the Business Software Alliance is to ________.

4. Whistle-blowing is an effort by an employee to attract attention to a negligent, illegal,

unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company that threatens the public interest.

True or False?

5. ________ is the crime of obtaining goods, services, or property through deception or


6. ________ means to be in accordance with established policies, guidelines,

specifications, or legislation.

7. Society expects professionals to act in a way that:

a. causes no harm to society

b. provides significant benefits

c. establishes and maintains professional standards that protect the public

d. all of the above

8. Most organizations have a(n) ________ team with primary responsibilities to

determine that internal systems and controls are adequate and effective.

9.___________ is a process that one undertakes voluntarily to prove competency in a set ofskills.

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10.Senior management (including members of the audit committee) has the option of

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11.Negligencehas been defined as not doing something that a reasonable person would do,or doing something that a reasonable person would not do.12.A(n)code of ethicsstates the principles and core values that are essential to the work of aparticular occupational group.Assignment:Page # 69Do Question # 2How do you distinguish between misrepresentation and embellishment of one's professionalaccomplishments on a résumé? Provide an example of an embellishment that would not be consideredmisrepresentation.

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What do you call the process one undertakes voluntarily to prove competency in a set of skills?

______ is a process that one undertakes voluntarily to prove competency in a set of skills. Certification.

Is a text file that a Web site can download to a visitor's hard drive to identify visitors on subsequent visits?

Cookies are text files that contain information about site usage information and are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They are then returned to the original website each subsequent visit or to any other website that recognizes them.

Is the misstatement or incomplete statement of a material fact?

The misstatement or incomplete statement of material fact. Occurs when one party fails to meet the terms of a contract. Occurs when a party fails to perform certain express or implied obligations which impairs or destroys the essence of the contract.