________ is an erosional contact between tilted, older strata below and horizontal, younger strata above.

: 2


Which of the following denotes the divisions of the geologic time scale in correct order of decreasing lengths of time beginning with the longest time interval and ending with the shortest?

eon, era, epoch, period

era, period, epoch, eon

eon, epoch, period, era

eon, era, period, epoch

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________ is an erosional contact between tilted, older strata below and horizontal, younger strata above.

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An unconformity is a buried ________.

surface of erosion separating younger strata above from older strata below

Which of the following best characterizes an angular unconformity?

Tilted strata lie bellow the unconformity; bedding in younger strata above is parallel to the unconformity

in the late 1700's james hutton published him important work titled

sandstone strata ans a mass of granite are observed to b in contact. which of the following statements is correct geologically

the granite is older if the sandstone contains pebbles of the granite

the ___ is an erosional contact between tilted, older strata below and horizontal younger strata above

the subdivision of the geologic time scale that represents the longest time span is called a(n)

the ratio of parent to daughter isotopes in a radioactive decay process is .40. how many half-lives have elapsed since the material was 100% parent atoms?

consider the names of the eras in the geologic time scale. what is meant by "zoic"

assume that you have just examined several flat lying sedimentary layers. after much study you determine that there s a considerable span of time for which no sedimentary rock layer exists at this site. you have just discovered a(n) _____

a worm would stand a poor chance of being fossilized because

what fundamental concept states that in a horizontal sequence of conformable sedimentary strata, each higher bed is younger than the bed below it

what of the following refers to the investigative process by which geologists identify and match sedimentary strata and other rocks of the same ages in different areas

the ___ is the idea or concept that ancient life forms succeeded each other in a definite, evolutionary pattern and that the contained assemblage of fossils can determine geologic ages of strata

principle of faunal succession

which of the following is an essential characteristic of an index fossil

the organism only lived for a short period of geologic time

by applying the law of superposition ___ dates can be determined

the era of "ancient life" is the ___ era

about 88% of geologic time is represented by the time span called the ___

what is the age of the earth accepted by most scientists today

which of the following is not very long lived radioactive isotope

the half life of carbon 14 is about 6000 years. ssume that a sample of charcoal formed by burning of living wood 15k years ago. how much of the original carbon 14 would remain today

visualize five horizontal sedimentary strata exposed in a cliff or canyon wall identified by consecutive numbers, 1 being the lowest bed and 5 being the highest. which one of the following statements concerning the strata are true

beds 1 and 3 are older than bed 4

the era known as the age of mammals is the

what term denotes blocks of older rock enclosed in a body of younger igneous rock

What general term denotes a buried, erosional surface where rock layers are missing?

What kind of unconformity is produced when tilted, older strata are eroded and buried by younger strata?

what process involves identifying and matching rocks of similar ages in different areas

What is the name of a Phanerozoic era that means ancient life?

the phrase. "the present is the key to the past," refers to the doctrine of ___

PIC: looks like sand under the ocean

PIC: looks like sand under the ocean with diagonal lines

the waste gas released by plants as they synthesize food sugars from carbon dioxide and water is ___

The most common Precambrian fossils are layered mounds of calcium carbonate called 

the ___ era is known as the "age of flowering plants."

________ are among the most widespread Paleozoic fossils.

abundant fossil evidence did not appear in the geologic record untilabout ___

Which one of the following represents the greatest expanse of geological time?

During the early Paleozoic era, South America, Africa, Australia, Antartica, India, and perhaps China comprised the vast southern continent of 

Which type of bacteria thrives in environments that lack free oxygen 

Which era of geologic time spans about 88 % of Earth's history?

the ___ means "the sun in the making"

mammals became the dominant land animals during the ___ era.

The ________ period was a time of major extinctions, including 75 percent of amphibian families.

the beginning of the cambrian period marks an important event in animal evolution- in the appearance of organisms.....

the era of ancient life is the ___ era

Due to a virtual absence of land plants and certain animals, fossil fuels are notably absent in ________ rocks.

the major source of free oxygen in the atmosphere is from ___

the age of the earth is estimated at about

The Precambrian rock record indicates that much of Earth's first free oxygen combined with ________ dissolved in water.

most ___ rocks are devoid of fossils, which hinders correlation of rocks

the ___ period is sometimes called the "golden age of trilobites"

___ means planets in the making

the process in which plants use light energy to synthesize food sugars from carbon dioxide is called ____

by the close of the paleozoic, all the continents had fused into the single super continent of ____

the beginning of the ___ era is marked by the appearance of the first life forms with hard parts

each continent large "core areas" of precambrian rocks referred to as ___

What type of unconformity is an erosional contact between tilted older strata below and horizontal younger strata above quizlet?

What type of unconformity is an erosional contact between tilted, older strata below and horizontal, younger strata above? An angular unconformity. Which two Paleozoic periods used in North America are combined into the Carboniferous period in Europe and elsewhere?

Is an erosional unconformity with parallel beds or strata above and below?

A disconformity is an erosional unconformity with parallel beds or strata above and below.

What type is buried unconformity?

An unconformity is a buried erosional or non-depositional surface separating two rock layers or strata of different ages, indicating that sediment deposition was not continuous.

Who made the first clear statement of the law of superposition when?

In 1669 Nicolaus Steno made the first clear statement that strata (layered rocks) show sequential changes, that is, that rocks have histories. From his work in the mountains of western Italy, Steno realized that the principle of superposition in stratified (layered) rocks was the key to linking time to rocks.