[author] google analytics completo - do zero ao pro course

Learn how to use Google Analytics data, so you can make better product, marketing, and strategy decisions.

Online course:GA for beginners

By Chris Mercer,

Measurement [email protected] MeasurementMarketing.io

Course length: 9h 17min

Start 7-day trial for $1

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The dashboard is intimidating. The sheer amount of data is overwhelming in your Google analytics account can be scary. And learning Google Analytics from Google or how-to blog posts is frustrating.

Plus, the reports don’t make any sense. And you have no idea what to do with the data you do understand. So, you’re still making marketing decisions based on gut instinct — not data.

Sure, Google’s beginner course gave you the vocabulary to sound like you know what you’re doing. But you can’t fake it till you make it when it comes to analytics.This CXL course is for when you’re ready to learn how to actually use Google Analytics.

With this course you will learn how to measure what matters and make data-driven marketing decisions using insights from Google Analytics.

Enroll in this training program to learn everything you need to know about Google analytics in one place including:

  • The basics of Google Analytics, including how to navigate the interface, read data with confidence and produce meaningful reports.
  • Who your visitors are and where they’re coming from, so you can focus on getting more of them.
  • What actions your visitors take on the site and what the results of those actions are, so that you can optimize your site for higher conversion rates.
  • How to analyze the data, understand the insights, and develop a strategy to improve business based on your Google Analytics findings.

Get the data that helps you see exactly what’s happening in your business. Understand where your conversions are coming from. Make better decisions about how to run your marketing campaigns.

That’s what Google Analytics can do for you… if you know how to use it.

The data-driven approach you learn in this course will eliminate the time-consuming guesswork, so that you can evaluate the numbers, decide on an evidence-based strategy, and execute more efficiently.

After completing this course, you’ll:

  • Be able to answer specific business questions using Google Analytics
  • Feel confident that your data is accurate and not swayed by bots, spam traffic, or other data tracking issues due to technical implementations
  • Know the inner workings of Google Analytics – essentially, what dimensions, metrics, segments, filters, and reports mean
  • Confidently communicate analytics insights with employers, stakeholders and clients
  • Use Google Analytics data to improve your product, marketing, and strategy decisions

I watched the entire course 5 times! I was only getting limited credit for my work, as many visitors would bounce but return to company main site. I have now been able to extend my conversion tracking to the company site as well as cross-domain tracking and events.

Accessible and practical. This course was much better than Google’s own training on the subject!

It was set up very well, good pace, good production quality, good progression through the material.

Chris Mercer’s chill, engaging way of teaching is amazing. You can really tell this is his jam and he loves what he does. I would absolutely do another course with him again.

  • You feel overwhelmed looking at analytics reports
  • You know you should learn more about data analytics, but haven’t explored the topic much
  • You’ve been confused by other Google Analytics for beginners courses 
  • You’re a marketer whose job could benefit from an increased ability to analyze data
  • You have zero to little knowledge on the inner workings of Google Analytics and you’re tired of missing out
  • You use Google Analytics once in a while but have never been formally trained
  • You’re often asked questions about the performance of your site, but you don’t feel confident jumping right into Google Analytics to get the answer
  • If you’re in any role of marketing (content, customer success, UX, social, branding), you can benefit from learning Google Analytics
  • This is beginner-level and will teach the fundamentals
  • You don’t necessarily need any skills coming into the class, just a willingness to learn
  • You’re an experienced analyst or analytics are a core part of your role
  • You’ve taken other CXL Google Analytics courses
  • You feel comfortable answering basic business questions with GA data
  • You’ve been DIY learning Google Analytics for years, and want to level up
  • Learn to navigate all of the most crucial reports Google Analytics gives you
  • Think like an analyst. How do you approach problems and find answers to business questions? This mindset is the most important part of analytics
  • Use Google Analytics to find conversion opportunities, analyze marketing campaigns, and learn more about user behavior.
  • Feel more comfortable providing quantitative answers and solutions to your business questions.

Start by discovering your way around Google Analytics, including both how to use reports and what reports to use when. After this section you’ll know where to find answers like:

  • Basic demographic/psychographic information
  • How your users found you
  • Which pages users are viewing
  • What results you’re getting from all those views

Section 2 – “Getting Started”

In this section, you’ll start to build your Google Analytics implementation from the ground up, including how to structure your accounts, properties, and views. After this section, you’ll have:

  • The difference between Accounts, Properties, and Views
  • The 3 core views every analyst needs
  • A path to making sure your Google Analytics is able to “tell its story”

Section 3 – “Understanding Traffic”

It’s time you learned how your users are finding your site! In this section, you’ll cover the various skills you’ll need to properly track your traffic, including:

  • How to avoid “fractured” campaign reports
  • Structuring your incoming traffic tags
  • Fixing traffic sources that don’t report in a useful manner

Section 4 – “Understanding Results”

With your traffic tagged, and the reports collecting data, it’s time you knew what your results are and tie those results to the proper traffic sources. By the end of this section, you’ll know:

  • The three milestones every user faces in the customer journey
  • How to set Google Analytics goals for each of those milestones
  • How to track your sales

By the time you’ve wrapped up this course, you’ll know everything from how to setup Google Analytics, properly structure your traffic, tie that traffic to results, and even the basics of analyzing all those reports so you finally know the story Google Analytics has been trying to tell you all along.

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